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Evolving our Leadership, our Companies, and our World...Together

Conscious Capitalism®  Bay Area is launching a women’s leadership accelerator and community of practice... and we need the top women leaders in your company to be involved! 


The way women naturally lead is fully aligned with the Conscious Capitalism vision to elevate humanity, as well as profits, through business. And the time has come for women leaders to join forces in higher numbers and at higher levels to make this vision real.


Our mission is to be fully authentic and on fire with our purpose and values, to advance women’s leadership within our companies and the Conscious Capitalism movement, and to co-create a conscious culture where women’s leadership thrives at unprecedented levels – in service to a healthy integrated workplace and world for all.



An experiential evening and powerful dialog with like-minded women that will expand your view of what's possible in your leadership and  your company... and what's possible in the world when conscious women leaders join forces to change it. 


Come and connect with your tribe!


Explore and share a higher purpose and bigger game for your leadership


Leave with a new perspective and new allies, ready to put insights into action






A revolutionary, world-class leadership accelerator for accomplished women executives and entrepreneurs, to:


Realize the next level potential for our leadership


Launch or expand initiatives aligned with our higher purpose and values


Amplify our impact by working together


If you and your company care about accelerating women's leadership and creating workplaces where people bring their best to work every single day, in service of a common purpose, you'll want to join the founding cohort.


if not you, who? 
if not now, when?


Conscious Capitalism Bay Area is a growing global movement committed to elevating humanity—as well as profits--through business. The four pillars are detailed in the best-selling book, Conscious Capitalism, by John Mackey (Co-CEO of Whole Foods) and Raj Sisodia.


 By focusing on purpose and meaning beyond profits, a conscious business inspires, engages, and energizes its stakeholders.

Conscious leaders focus on “we” rather than “me.”

They foster transformation and bring out the best in those around them.


A Conscious Culture fosters love and care and builds trust among a company’s team members and all  other stakeholders.

Conscious businesses focus on their whole business ecosystem, creating and optimizing value for all of their stakeholders.

leadership incubator 


There is power in numbers—especially numbers of brilliant, conscious, compassionate, and powerful women leaders. The Conscious Capitalism Women’s Leadership Program is a platform for growing a sustainable community of top women leaders, fully authentic and on fire with our purpose and values, and focused on transforming not just our companies, but the way business is conducted on this planet.


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