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We are building a women’s leadership accelerator and community of practice… and we need the top women leaders in your company to be involved!


Here are some of the many ways to get involved:


Attend the launch event

Click here to register


Join the mailing list

Click here to stay up to date with future events and opportunities


Invite a friend or colleague

We are “gathering the tribe” of conscious women executives and entrepreneurs who want to help change the world – and we need your help to personally invite those women who would love to know about this, really benefit from it, and be great “founding members” of a game-changing women’s leadership accelerator.  


Join the Women’s Leadership Program

(or sponsor one or more of your women leaders to join)

Applications will be available in mid-September – join the mailing list or contact us to be notified as soon as they’re up on the site.


Become a sponsor or co-host

email to find out more


Share your ideas

If you have other requests, or would like to share ideas about how we can shape this effort to best meet the most important needs of this community, we’d love to talk with you.  Please email with your interest, and we can set up a brief phone conversation.


Our Vision


We are building a community of practice and leadership accelerator that empowers women to be game changers in their companies and the Conscious Capitalism®  movement, and to co-create a conscious culture where women’s leadership thrives at unprecedented levels – in service to a healthy integrated workplace and world for all.



Women’s wisdom and voices are critical to the Conscious Capitalist movement, and to shaping conscious cultures where human beings can thrive and self-actualize. There is wide recognition that feminine qualities and values which have been historically undervalued are now essential.  For women to make our greatest impact as change agents, we need a space to step outside the prevailing culture and day-to-day demands, and connect deeply and authentically with like-minded women - to align our leadership from the inside out, more fully with our values and purpose, to break through the cultural and invisible barriers to our full potential leadership, and to co-create the new models and structures that would elevate business and humanity as a whole




Accomplished women executives and entrepreneurs who resonate with the ideals of elevating humanity through business, and are ready to play an even bigger game  - by connecting deeply with like-minded women in a support structure for breakthrough conscious leadership , taking our own leadership to the next level, expanding our impact in our organizations, and advancing women’s leadership within the Conscious Capitalism movement.




Participation in the ongoing community of practice begins with a world-class leadership development and culture building program designed to realize the next level potential for our leadership, to launch or expand initiatives aligned with our higher purpose and values, and to amplify our impact together.


We are seeking ideal-fit women for the founding cohort, and we welcome the involvement, ideas, and sponsorship of powerful leaders who share our mission.  


Thank you!


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